Skytzo,Chinks,Music Hates You,Supermonkey,Orbital Karnie. -

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   At 4 years old all I wanted was to be a drummer. I banged on every pot and pan in the house until finally my parents got sick of it and I got my first drum-set that Christmas.
My Grandmother inspired me the most.  She used to play Buddy Rich records for me when I was 3 or 4 and jam out some honkytonk piano, I was mesmerised, hooked if you will.
She rocked! maybe that had a bit to do with it my lifelong dedication. I loved her for that.
    I didn't know just how big Buddy Rich's shoes were to fill until I actually tried. I did the best I could, and then came John Bonham and wrecked the whole damb thing.
He inspired me to practice almost every day for the better part of 42 years. Every time I sat down behind my kit I always gave it everything I had, that's the truth of it. I love the drums.
I know many awesome drummers, most with way more skill and talent than I will ever posses! I got to share the stage with them on occasion though and they didn't seem to mind, at least they never told me they did.
I can't say I was any good at playing the drums but I tried my best.
In retrospect I think I might have learned some things that would've made things easier if I took just took a lesson or two, but I never did, same with art but that's another story.
I met and played with some of the greatest musicians imaginable in my travels,
Bob Mikulak, Dan Champagne, Scott Oulette, Charlie Garland, Zack Hembre, Noah Ray, Forrest Hetland,
Brady Bonito,(RIP), Steve Therealt(RIP) Roland Blue(RIP), Jim Peletier, Gary Bell, Wolfie and so on...
I'm thankful for these friends and recordings. Without these people I would be nothing. In fact a few of them saved my ass a time or two.
I played drums at just about every dive bar and rat joint there is to see, so did you if you knew me.
I played in them, donated my sweat and blood to them all and loved almost every second of it.
I pretty much stuck to a Single pedal 5 piece kit. I kept it small and that's how I liked it. I had to work twice as hard sometimes just to keep up
but in the end through all its aches and pains, remnant moans,groans and future cramps ( That future is now). It was worth everything, almost...
I've never made any money playing the drums and I don't have many pictures ( I guess I'm not all that photogenic),
I have no proof or otherwise to show that I even did it, which is odd right?  The only things I have are these recordings and great memories.
If you have ANY pictures, recordings or video I beg you to send them to:
Thanks in advance!
I got to play the drums in these bands and for that I am proud. It's all I have left of the days of yore so I figure
I would share it with the world.
Needless to say those were the best of times. Now I paint and find myself drumming in my head when I do, I think it helps but distracts me some days.
I'm lucky like that.
Imagination is more valuable than sanity. Greg Carlson
EyemnKogneeto is Greg Carlsons fault
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