Welcome to Eyemnkogneeto's Gallery of Crap!
Ya know; Surrealism is not just an art style, it's a way of life, when you finally see it, you can't unsee it.
Once you start you cant stop. That shadow in the woods will look like a huge butterfly or the cloud resemles a turtle ect.
When you free your mind even for a second the universe explodes in colors and random shapes. Thats how it works.
Its my attempt of taking you on a journey through the subconscious mind, where the way my eyes see the world and your version of it
collide in a beautiful mess. Kind of a dyslexic Aesop's Fables.
This gallery is just a few selected paintings Ive done over the years. (I would never post everything)
So come on in and explore the the damage of my thought patterns.